First Time Configuration
In-App-Purchase Config

In-App-Purchase Config:

You need to add 1 'Non-Consumable' product and 4 'Consumable' Products in PlayStore and AppStore

Non Consumable Product:

Add the following product information:

    ID: 'removed_ads'
    Name: 'Removed Ads'
    Description: 'Removed Ads'
    Price: YOUR_PRICE

Consumable Products:

Add the following products information:

    ID: 'coins_500'
    Name: 'coins 500'
    Description: 'coins 500'
    Price: YOUR_PRICE
    ID: 'coins_1000'
    Name: 'coins 1000
    Description: 'coins 1000'
    Price: YOUR_PRICE
    ID: 'coins_10000'
    Name: 'coins 10000
    Description: 'coins 10000'
    Price: YOUR_PRICE
    ID: 'coins_20000'
    Name: 'coins 20000
    Description: 'coins 20000'
    Price: YOUR_PRICE


Before setting up in-app purchases on the App Store, you need to make sure that you have the following:

  • An Apple Developer account
  • A valid provisioning profile
  • An app published on App Store Connect


  1. Log in to your App Store Connect account and select your app.
  2. Go to "App Store" > "Features" from the left sidebar.
  3. Click on the "+ Add" button and select the in-app purchase type (consumable or non-consumable).
  4. Enter the in-app purchase details, including the product ID, price, and description.
  5. Add the in-app purchase's default language and translation, if applicable.
  6. Submit the in-app purchase for review by clicking on the "Submit for Review" button.


Before setting up in-app purchases on Google Play Console, you need to make sure that you have the following:

  • A Google Play Console account
  • An app published on Google Play Store
  • An active merchant account


  1. Log in to your Google Play Console account and select your app.
  2. Go to "Monetise" > "Products" -> "In-app Products" from the left sidebar.
  3. Click on the "create product" button and select the product type (consumable or non-consumable).
  4. Enter the product details, including the product ID, price, name, description.
  5. click "Save"
  6. Add the product's default language and translation, if applicable.
  7. Click on the "Activate" button to publish the product.