Build Android/iOS App

Building Android/iOS App:


If you want to build the app for Android, you can build APK by running flutter build apk or APPBUNDLE by running flutter build appbundle:


If you want to build the app for iOS, run flutter build ipa.

using MakeFile:

Makefile is a build automation tool that is used to automate the process of building executable programs and libraries from source code. It consists of a set of rules and dependencies that describe how to build the software. Flutter, on the other hand, is a popular mobile app development framework that is used to develop high-quality, performant mobile apps for iOS and Android.

Run Makefile command

make <command>

Makefile commands:

PHONY: clean format run_staging_sksl run_staging build_apk_staging build_apk_prod install_apk build_appbundle_staging build_appbundle_prod
	@echo "╠ Cleaning the project..."
	@rm -rf pubspec.lock
	@flutter clean
	@flutter pub get
	@ cd ios && arch -x86_64 pod install  
format: clean
	@echo "╠ Formatting the code"
	@dart format .
	@echo "╠ Running staging with SkSl warmup"
	@flutter run --profile --cache-sksl --purge-persistent-cache --dart-define=ENVIRONMENT=STAGING
run_staging: format
	@echo "╠ Running app in STAGING mode"
	@flutter run apk --dart-define=ENVIRONMENT=STAGING
build_apk_staging: format
	@echo "╠ Building app in STAGING mode"
	@flutter build apk --bundle-sksl-path flutter_01.sksl.json --dart-define=ENVIRONMENT=STAGING
build_apk_prod: format
	@echo "╠ Building app in PRODUCTION mode"
	@flutter build apk --bundle-sksl-path flutter_01.sksl.json --dart-define=ENVIRONMENT=PROD
	@echo "╠ Installing apk..."
	@flutter install build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/app-release.apk
build_appbundle_staging: format
	@echo "╠ Building app in STAGING mode"
	@flutter build appbundle --bundle-sksl-path flutter_01.sksl.json --dart-define=ENVIRONMENT=STAGING
build_appbundle_prod: format
	@echo "╠ Building app in PRODUCTION mode"
	@flutter build appbundle --bundle-sksl-path flutter_01.sksl.json --dart-define=ENVIRONMENT=PROD